Fee 5th Sem
first day interaction
Why Web dev?
- basics of html
- Baics of Css
Industry trends in web dev
what are we gonna study in next 6 months
Intro to Html
- div
- span
- img
- List
- Types of list
- Paragraph tag
- Anchor tag
Chitkara demo website home work project
different attributes and tags and properties
- Heading tags
- src attribute
- pre tag
In how many ways css can be applied
- Inline
- Internal css
- External css
which one has highest priority - Inline
Height and width in Style attribute has high priority in IMG tag
Online Classes started
lasses started from 18th of july
What we studied today
- Map tag
- opening diff images with map
- local img and hosted image diff
- What are Attributes
Map Tag query ?
in this if 2 areas have same coordinates than above one will work
Chitkara website home work
Some more hands on practice
- bloack and inline element
- pixel perfection
- js question by students
Clock making project
Clock presenting
- SVGs
- audio tag
- video tag-
- frame -practice of these tags
- source tag
- media controls
- Vh vw pixels viewport
Text formattings-
- superscipt subscript
Some new Concepts
- Heart beat in js
- target in anchor tag
- dot notation in js
- navigator web api
- getlocation
24 July - css, hyperlink, src, bootstrap
- Why CSS
- Attribute to seprate css ;
- ways to do internal styling (id,class,tags)
- font family
- hyperlink and src diff
- bootstarp cdn
- high priority of which css: inline
- universal selectors
How css hepled developers
ss helped in reusibility and readibility of code
selector and declaration in css
selectors are access points for elements of HTML and one selector can have multiple declarations where each declaration have a property that is applied to the selected element and it's value
25 July - css, color, border, box model
- types of colors in css
- background
- border
- margin
- padding
Types of Color
<h1 style="background-color: burlywood;">RGB,Hex,Hsl,Normal</h1>
Hex code
<h3 style="background-color: #6a5acd;">Hello</h3>
<h3 style="background-color: hsl(143, 50%, 54%);">Hello</h3>
Color name
<h3 style="background-color: red;">Hello</h3>
available in CSS4
<h1 style="outline: 10px black solid;">Hello</h1>
body {
background: #ffffff url("img_tree.png") no-repeat right top;